Thursday, September 29, 2005

A Bad Week And A Funny Picture

This week has sucked! A ton of work, and no matter how hard I try I can't concentrate on it. I have other shit on my mind which is giving me one hell of a headache. My work has been really half assed and I know it. I just need to take care of some stuff and then I might be able to get back on track...

My car is being a real pain right now. I think it is engineered to hit me when I'm down. Not only is it still leaking, but also the windshield wipers went out just in time for the downpour yesterday. I had to drive home with my head out the window and got drenched. Plus, I had to drain it this afternoon. there must have been a gallon and a half of water in the back seat. I have taken the floor mats out now so I don't have to worry about drying them out every time it rains.

By the way, when I was draining my car I found this:

Nice haircut Keith!

The best thing that has happened to me all week happened about ten minutes ago when I found out that I still had some corn dogs in the freezer.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005


This is so heartwarming! Peter Gabriel is da man!

Monday, September 26, 2005

White Shirts

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Over and Done With

The Katamari party was awesome. I was running around all week trying to get it ready, and at the last minute it came together. I'm pretty sure all but one person made it. I was dead by the end of the night (see picture below.) This morning I woke up at 2:30...I blame it on the Sapporo. Best video game party ever! (Thanks everyone who made it)
The spread...
... ... ... Authentic...
Aurora, Sam, Tomoko, and Erin
he he, video game party...
After it was all over...

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Franz Ferdinand

The Franz Ferdinand concert last night was AMAZING! For all of you who went to WILD instead, you made a horrible mistake...

Thursday, September 22, 2005

The Katamari Party Production

The Katamari Party is underway. Yesterday, Michelle, Kiani, and I went to an Asian market on Olive to get the food. We got a 20 pound bag of rice, a lot of Japanese candy, soy beans, etc. It was highly entertaining. Also, today I went over to I ♥ Mr. Sushi to see if I could get them to make me a big assortment of sushi rolls for Saturday. They weren't all that helpful, but I think I can get it all figured out by then. They said if I get enough I might get a 20% discount, however, I have no idea how much enough is. Last and certainly not least I picked up We ♥ Katamari yesterday and cannot stop playing it. It is everything I hoped it would be...

Monday, September 19, 2005

We ♥ Katamari

Katamari Party Update: The official date and time for the Katamari Party is Saturday September 24 at 7:00. (that is this Saturday.) It is going to be amazing! We will have both games going at once, tons of Japanese food, and, if my funds allow, some Saporo to wash it all down! This is going to be the best party of the year. If you miss this you will regret it for the rest of your life, so come and enjoy!

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Today is National Speak-Like-a-Pirate Day, so get your "Yars" and "Arrs" in while you still can.


Sunday, September 18, 2005

MGB GT in St. Louis

CARSHOW! My MGB has finally made it to the St. Louis All-British Car Show. It was a great day, the weather was really mild, a lot of people visited, a lot of great cars, and we got a trophy. I really don't feel like writing a ton tonight, but I do want to thank everyone who came, and I'll let my pictures do the rest...
Lotus 7
The Line Up
Austin Healy
The Fam
The Plaque

Saturday, September 17, 2005


When I stepped out of my apartment on the way to take my parents back to their hotel, I heard the strangest sound from overhead. It sounded like a flame thrower, and in a way it was. Suddenly something blocked out the sun. Looking up we discovered a hot air balloon hovering over us, just above the tree line. Today was the annual balloon race in Forest Park. The three of us hopped in the car and went balloon chasing...

Lost in La Mancha, Art Opening, and MGB in St. Louis

Last night I invited Gina over to watch Lost in La Mancha, a film I had gotten from Netflix. It is a documentary about Terry Gilliam's attempt to put Don Quixote on the big screen. Everything that could go wrong did and the film was never finished. It was really interesting to see the difficulties of putting together a film as complex as Gilliam wanted with a budget half as big as was needed. Although, it was somewhat painful to watch a director slowly being crushed by his own creation. At the end of it all he didn't even own the rights to the script he had written.

After that, it was still early and I had remembered that there was a big opening at the Contemporary. Gina and I headed out to catch it, before it closed at nine. I'm glad we went, however, I think Gina found it a little intense. It was her first art opening, and it probably wasn't the best example to start with. We wandered around, mingled a bit, watched some videos, but it was loud, crowded, and the work was not all that approachable. Eventually, we went up into the loft and started making fun of the art crowd bellow. All in all pretty entertaining.

I sent out e-mails, but just in case I forgot someone, the St. Louis All-British Car Show is tomorrow. My Mom and Dad have brought the MG out for the weekend, and we are showing it there. Here is the info direct from their site:

SEPT 18 - SUNDAY Registration for the 24th Annual All British Car & Cycle Show Opens at 8 A.M. at The Show Venue, Creve Coeur Lake Park, Located on Marine Avenue Across From Beautiful Creve Coeur Lake in Maryland Heights, MO (Dorsett Road West From 270 Then North on Marine Ave. to The Show Venue). Popular Voting Will Take Place From 11 A.M. to 1 P.M. Trophies Will be Awarded for Over 25 Classes Including Awards For Best of Show, Chairman's Choice, Diamond-in-the-Rough, And Our Photo Contest (Club Not Responsible For Returning Photos). *Registration Closes at Noon*

I hope to see you all there, however, I will have pictures up tomorrow for those who can't make it.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Loosing My Mind, and a Gas Mask

So yeah, I'm loosing it. I'm trying to process 16 things at once and Failing miserably at it. I slept through a dinner I had promised Michelle I would go to, I don't seem to be able to shut my mouth, my writing has turned to shit, and as my brother pointed out I have been neglecting my Blog. I am wiped and all I see ahead of me is a steeper climb. If this was the end of last year I could deal, but right now I feel completely unreliable and distraught. Case in point, I bought an appointment book. I have never needed an appointment book, but now it is the only thing I've got to help me stay sane. By the end of the week I could be running around naked shouting profanities.

As a lighter note, Monday the Sculpture Department took a field trip to Jefferson City Missouri. There we went to Government Surplus. This is a massive stockpile of crap that's fun to play with and make stuff from. The most impressive item I picked up was a gas mask. I want to hang it on our wall in the apartment, however, I have some reservations about the creepiness factor. (Hoang is modeling it bellow)
Gas Mask

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Apartment Cleaning, The St. Louis Art Fair, and The Co-op Party

Yesterday was entirely too busy, but parts were insanely entertaining. I kicked off the day taking a shower and then realizing that I couldn't deal with a dirty bathroom any more. I grabbed a sponge and cleaned it top to bottom. It is disgusting how dirty a bathroom can get in just three weeks. I was washing my hands every chance I got after that point; I knew they were clean, but it was kind of like the after effect of the shell shock.

Later on I called Kiani, because she wanted to go to the St. Louis Art Fair. She wanted me to "teach her about art." I met her at the U-City grill in an attempt to kick off the day with some of their excellent corned-beef hash and eggs. Sadly they were out. This was a fact that we were told when we ate there the night before, however, we hoped it would have been rectified in time for brunch. Anyway, extremely hungry and somewhat saddened we made our way into Clayton to see the work. When we got there we were so hot and hungry that we hung a right into Bandanna's for barbecue and AC. It was all that we needed to get our stamina up to take on the fair.

The art fair as a whole was not all that impressive. There was this one artist who made these life size mummy angle baby sculptures. Also there were a lot of photographers who just had these huge color photos of flowers, very lame. Another artist, who we talked to for a bit, we figured was either a conspiracy theorist or a member of the occult. He talked about hiding things from the government and Ganesha, the Hindu god of protection. Kiani and I developed a code word for bad art, "do you smell smoke?" Lets just say that the fair was very smokey that day. There were two saving graces of the show. First was that I go to see Harold Pickern and his wife Cheryl who I assisted at last years art fair. Also there was this glass artist who was doing something really original with blown colored bowls and a sand blaster. He lines the inside of the bowl with colored glass, covering that with a thick layer of clear, then in the cold stage he covers the colored inside with this plastic tape which resists the sand blaster. The tape is cut into leaf like forms with open spaces in between. when he runs the sandblaster over the surface it goes through the colored layer and exposes the clear. I haven't seen anything like it before. His name is Jim Engebreson. The images on his site pale in comparison to seeing them in real life.

Afterwards, I headed back to the apartment to finish the clean up I started before. The kitchen was the next room I wanted to get done. I washed, I scrubbed, I organized and then I ate. At around 8:30 I randomly got the urge to build the shelves the I had planned on putting in place of where the refrigerator once was. I ran over to the Depot and grabbed the lumber and cinder-blocks, meanwhile, realizing that Home Depot is a really depressing place at 9:00 on a Saturday.

I went straight to the wood shop after shopping and cut down the planks to fit into the space. Then I headed back, threw them up and took a cold shower. Aurora called soon after that inviting me to a party at the Co-op. It was like this formal to help the Katrina relief fund. I thought that my night was over, but realizing that I would probably know a good half of the people there I got dressed and ready. I invited Emily, one of the sculpture Juniors, to join us.

I swung by Emily's around 12:15. We walked to the Co-op from there. It was healthy walk, and when we got there there were three cop cars in the street and cops wandering around on foot. They weren't doing anything yet, but the party didn't look like it had much of a chance. Its a real shame because it looked like a really good one, plus tons of my friends were there. We went in anyway, and were pushed out about 20 minutes later. We didn't even get a drink. LAME. I was really sad and really wanted to get at least a drop of alcohol in me. So, Emily and I headed back to her place, met up with her friends and found said alcohol...Jägermeister to be more specific.
St. Louis Art Fair

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Agassi and Federer in Dubai

Graham sent me these images of Agassi and Federer playing on a tennis court at the top of a hotel in Dubai. (hehe Duece Magazine)

Friday, September 09, 2005

Personal Financing, Jill, and Emily Rose

Now I'm taking this Personal Financing class in place of the Modern Sculpture class. I have been to two of them so far, and what I have learned is that I can't afford children, and that I need to get a second job (that is as soon as I find the first.) I think that this professor takes pleasure in scaring the shit out of us. He proved to us that we can become millionaires by age 50 if we start investing $300 a month 12% interest. That sounds okay but I was hoping to make my first mil within the next ten years. I think arms dealing my have a better rate of return than the mutual fund he's suggesting. I'm going to look into that...

Also I worked for Jill this morning. I made rolls of fat out of Styrofoam insulation. Then I covered them in Spackle, so that we can attach them to the wall later. oookokkoopkopkokpokp op okpop kk po pok po ppoj pokjpojkasd jop jksopjksdfk a okp sfopkdfokpefop fepoopeokpooppoe wpopopoepopo opeoppoopeopooppoopo popoop[poppo popoppoopop popopopopoo poppo popopopopopoop po opop ooop ppo ppkop o poo k kop kop kpo opk po, but I digress.

Later in sculpture I watched a grad student cry. She told me she was trying to balance two programs, I have no idea what she was talking about. Also, this is really only the second exchange we've had. UNCOMFORTABLE. Later, Aaron Duffy stopped by and I talked to him about the bird book. I have come to the realization that I need some help...make that an absurd amount of help. I'm really thinking about trying to assemble a team to get the job done. Denise brought up a good point today, she said, "Why struggle to get this thing done, when there are people upstairs who are training to do it?" Essentially, why do it when you can get someone else to do it better? I think Aaron got into it and we are going to try to figure out something.

One last thing, don't go and see The Exorcism of Emily Rose. Not surprising it sucked. Not scary, not entertaining, not worth it.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Word Verification for Comments

So this spam issue is really driving me nuts. I looked through the Blogger solution page and found that there is a word verification option which prevents any auto-spam system from posting. Basically now there is one more step to commenting. It's annoying I know but this way you still do not have to sign up for Blogger to post. I think it is easier in the long run. I'm going to go through the steps to make it for all of you guys that are confused by the whole commenting system:

1. Click on "(#)comments" at the bottom of the post. A new page will
2. Type your comment in the big box at the top right
3. Click "other" and fill in your name. (you don't need to fill in "web
4. fill in word verification
5. Click "Publish Your Comment"

That is just one more step than before. Easy right? I hope this works...

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Basic Electronics Symbols

Leave Me Alone Dave!

This is really annoying! Some jackass is spamming my comments to get me to buy software to prevent the spamming of comments! Its kind of like paying the mafia for protection, however, a lot less life threatening. If this keeps happening I'm going to have to switch to registered uses only.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Netflix, Art History, and a Labor Daybor

Last night I signed up for Netflix, and now I can't keep off the site. There are so many movies I want to see. My list is now up to 112. That is a little freaky if you ask me. Just thinking about the amount of hours of my life could be spent on that many movies scares me. At the same time I can't wait for the first batch to come through that door.

As for my other ventures, I have decided to drop my History of Modern Sculpture class and take Personal Finance instead. (My Mother laughed at me when I told her that.) The Art History class starts way too early in history. 1805 for God's sake. At this rate I doubt we get past the 1950's. Or at the end of the semester they will likely rush through the past 60 years of sculpture in one class. I don't need to put myself through that, especially when I can see it coming from the first day of class. It's my fault I thought it was closer to Contemporary Sculpture, rather than Modern Sculpture. (Sadly there is a huge distinction in that. Art Historians have not given up calling the 1920's "modern." I wonder what comes after contemporary, Futurist is already taken.)

For Labor Day I sat on my ass and played Katamari. Now that is what I like to see in a Labor Day...(I have already reserved my copy of We ♥ Katamari, by the way...I want to roll you up into my life.)
Damn it! I was my own 500th viewer...

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Boats on Boats

I guess I can show this now. This is a T-shirt design I did for my Brother. He is having a bunch of his D.C. friends down to the lake this weekend for Labor Day. He said, "It's going to be boats on boats." Hence the design. (not that I really understand what that means or anything.)Anyhow, I hope he has unspeakable amounts of fun and gets the boats on boats he so desires.

An 8 Foot Wall, Sin Removal, and Stir Crazy

I meant to do this last night, however, I was way too tired. I woke up yesterday at 7:00 to get downtown by 8:00. I've started working for one of my professors, Jill Downen, every Friday morning from 8 to 12. This is kind of in place of sculpture which would normally be at that time in the morning, however, I do get an extra credit for doing it. Anyway, I got there essentially on time and immediately got started on building an 8ft by 8foot wall. She doesn't have a right angle in her studio, so we had to make one. I had it all framed with sheet-rock on and mudded by 11:30. I was kinda proud of it.

Speaking of Pride, I also took down the sins yesterday. For those who hadn't hear already, someone stole "Lust." It's pretty lame, but that's what happens with public sculpture. Also they had changed the names of ones remaining. "Wrath" became "Rat," "Sloth" became "Slut," "Pride" became "Ride," "Greed" became "Ed," and "Gluttony" became "Tony." (I had removed "Envy" earlier by the request of the site owner....he thought it was a safety hazard.)People seemed genuinely disappointed that they were going. I had about 15 different people stop me to ask why I was taking them away. It kind of makes you happy and sad at the same time. Happy that people appreciate your work, and sad that they can't stay there for the long run. I felt kind of greedy taking them back to my studio. This young guy and girl stopped me to tell me that they liked the pieces and that they had made up a sexual position for each one... Take that how you like.

By the time I left sculpture I was wiped. I couldn't think straight, and then I remembered that I had promised Michelle that I would go to dinner with her Sammy, Meryl, Erin, and Laura. We went to this place called Stir Crazy, which is a make your own stir fry place. I was happy to see Meryl and Laura, however, I don't think I was all that much fun to be around. I just couldn't concentrate, the place was freezing, and our table was way to small to fit us all in. The food at least was good. Afterwards they asked me if I wanted to go line dancing, For what I feel are obvious reasons, I declined.
I'll miss you Lust

Thursday, September 01, 2005

We ♥ Katamari

For all of those near thousands of people who have been asking about the release of the new Katamari Damacy game, I have found the release date. We ♥ Katamari will come out on September 20th. And watch this....It's the Japanese trailer. It looks so sweet! You can go underwater...pick up fishes, you build a snow man...rolling up snow and decoration, and you can play two player in the normal mode. It makes me feel all tingly. I'm going to have a Katamari Party at my place for who ever is interested. If not on the 20th, at least that weekend. All Katamari addicts welcome.

How disturbing