Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Loosing My Mind, and a Gas Mask

So yeah, I'm loosing it. I'm trying to process 16 things at once and Failing miserably at it. I slept through a dinner I had promised Michelle I would go to, I don't seem to be able to shut my mouth, my writing has turned to shit, and as my brother pointed out I have been neglecting my Blog. I am wiped and all I see ahead of me is a steeper climb. If this was the end of last year I could deal, but right now I feel completely unreliable and distraught. Case in point, I bought an appointment book. I have never needed an appointment book, but now it is the only thing I've got to help me stay sane. By the end of the week I could be running around naked shouting profanities.

As a lighter note, Monday the Sculpture Department took a field trip to Jefferson City Missouri. There we went to Government Surplus. This is a massive stockpile of crap that's fun to play with and make stuff from. The most impressive item I picked up was a gas mask. I want to hang it on our wall in the apartment, however, I have some reservations about the creepiness factor. (Hoang is modeling it bellow)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How's your tuesday look next week? Say, 2:00?

9/15/2005 6:42 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

I'm sorry I can't do anything before 4:00. Should I pencil you in?

9/15/2005 2:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no can do, compadre. my people will call your people.

9/16/2005 8:24 AM  

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