Saturday, June 24, 2006


So finally an update... We picked up Ellie about 10 days ago on our way to North Carolina. She is such a great dog, a ball of pure energy but a great dog...

These first pictures are of the pickup day. Ellie's whole family was there. This is her with her mom:

This is her with her sister:

And this is her with her dad:

We have had her at the lake ever since...

And she seems to like it here.

If you want to see more of the dog... Here is a link to her facebook album.

I've been spending a lot of my time with the dog, but I'm also making more monkeys and working real hard to get Free Lance Villain off the ground. I will have stuff to show really soon so keep visiting.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

I've been without Internet for the last week. I have a ton to post, mostly pictures of the new dog. Unfortunately I can't do it now, 'cause I'm mooching off free Internet at Panera and am on my dad's computer. Internet at the lake should be up by Saturday.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Tang-Tang, DK, and about to get DOG


I made another monkey this week...

He's named Tang-Tang.

I think I'm onto something here, because I posted him on kidrobot and within 10 minutes he was sold. Gots to love the Internet.

In the spirit of monkeyness, Noonan and I have been Donkey Konging it up this week. We started with the bongo controlled game DK Jungle Beat, and after beating that we moved to DK 64. That's right we knocked the dust off the old Nintendo 64. That game is way more fun than I remembered.

If I were around any longer the next step would certainly be DK County on SNES, but I'm leaving for NC soon and will be there for a while.

On the way we will pick up Ellie which I'm am unnaturally excited about. Then we'll pick up some fire power for the 4th which I'm also unnaturally excited about. After that there is nothing to do but hang out at the lake.

I'll post again soon but right now I want to sit on the couch and do nothing.

Thursday, June 08, 2006


I'm now finishing up an orangutan....

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Ellie and BVI

New Ellie Picture!

I can't believe we get her in a week. Way too excited.

Also, I got the BVI album up and running. Check it out!

Monday, June 05, 2006

BEEP.....Beep.........beeeeeeeeeeeeeee CLEAR! FWOMP.....Beep...Beep...Beep...Beep

Let's bring this blog back to life!

I don't know where to start..... I have been busy. The Pieta got done, and was a huge success...

(click to see full album)

I jumped out of a plane...

(click to see full album)

I graduated...

My family came into St. Louis and we toured the city one final time...

I moved out of my apartment...

then ran back to KC and made another Munny for a book called Dot Dot Dash...

I then left for a 10 day trip island hopping by sailboat in the Virgin Islands...

(Album coming soon)

I'm now back in KC and have prepared a new monkey of the month. This one is a sea-monkey inspired by my Caribbean vacation.