Saturday, June 24, 2006


So finally an update... We picked up Ellie about 10 days ago on our way to North Carolina. She is such a great dog, a ball of pure energy but a great dog...

These first pictures are of the pickup day. Ellie's whole family was there. This is her with her mom:

This is her with her sister:

And this is her with her dad:

We have had her at the lake ever since...

And she seems to like it here.

If you want to see more of the dog... Here is a link to her facebook album.

I've been spending a lot of my time with the dog, but I'm also making more monkeys and working real hard to get Free Lance Villain off the ground. I will have stuff to show really soon so keep visiting.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your dog is too freaking cute.

6/30/2006 11:08 PM  

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