This week has been pretty crazy.
Monday night Tom and I went over the Webster to see Lou and the Webster Big Band perform a night of Thelonious Monk. It was pretty kickin'. I'm always up for some Monk.
I spent Tuesday afternoon searching through the archives at the St. Louis City Hall Assessors office. Four hours of looking through microfilm is tons of fun let me tell ya'. Why did I subject myself to that? Well, I had to trace the chain of ownership for the property I'm researching for my urban development class. The cool part about it is that I now have a copy of a deed from 1883.
Wednesday I had a Conch meeting and I got my new Munnys so I worked on those during studio. And I was supposed to start writing my paper that I was doing research for but instead I ended up falling asleep on my floor.
I got up early on Thursday because, well, I had a paper due by 1:00. I pulled it off but was a bit dazed for the rest of the day.
I spent this morning in studio preparing pictures of the Please Touch Show for a picture album we are giving to The owner of 2500 Ohio Ave. In the afternoon I watched the entries from a documentary film competition that one of the sculpture professors put on for the students. Then I headed over the the photo processing place to get the digital images developed.
This week has been fun and producted, but jammed packed. I wish I could say that I am taking it easy this weekend, but that really doesn't seem like it'll be the case.