Tuesday, February 28, 2006

NUMBER 7!!!!! (and a new monkey)

Google listed my site number 7 in a search for Michael Alm!!!!! (if you put it in quotes it's number 6.) That is a significant improvement from not at all.

Also, seeing as it is now March I have put up a new monkey. I was trying to think what monkey would best represent the Irish nation. There was really only one option: the orangutan. I've given him cirrhosis and named him Knuckles.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Art for Sale!

Hey guys, Russell and I got the sales page posted on my site. here is the link. So if you all want any prints of the birds you can now order them. I'm selling both individual 8" X 10" photos and a complete set of spreads from the National Geographic Article.

And....... I thought I'd add a picture of Chuck for good measure.

That denim is army issue.

Friday, February 24, 2006


This week has been pretty crazy.

Monday night Tom and I went over the Webster to see Lou and the Webster Big Band perform a night of Thelonious Monk. It was pretty kickin'. I'm always up for some Monk.

I spent Tuesday afternoon searching through the archives at the St. Louis City Hall Assessors office. Four hours of looking through microfilm is tons of fun let me tell ya'. Why did I subject myself to that? Well, I had to trace the chain of ownership for the property I'm researching for my urban development class. The cool part about it is that I now have a copy of a deed from 1883.

Wednesday I had a Conch meeting and I got my new Munnys so I worked on those during studio. And I was supposed to start writing my paper that I was doing research for but instead I ended up falling asleep on my floor.

I got up early on Thursday because, well, I had a paper due by 1:00. I pulled it off but was a bit dazed for the rest of the day.

I spent this morning in studio preparing pictures of the Please Touch Show for a picture album we are giving to The owner of 2500 Ohio Ave. In the afternoon I watched the entries from a documentary film competition that one of the sculpture professors put on for the students. Then I headed over the the photo processing place to get the digital images developed.

This week has been fun and producted, but jammed packed. I wish I could say that I am taking it easy this weekend, but that really doesn't seem like it'll be the case.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Please Touch Pictures

I have posted photos of the Please Touch Show on Facebook, so check 'em out by clicking on this!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Web Updates!

I know you all had given up on the website, but Russell and I did a major update tonight. We now have all but one of the galleries up and have added a news page. We still need to clean it up a bit but the hard stuff is basically done with. Let me know what you all think...

For those of you who don't know the site, it's www.michaelalm.com. (as if it could be any easier)

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hi folks, I hope everyone had a pleasant Valentine's Day. As for me, I woke up at 2:30, did some laundry, biked the perimeter of forest park (65 degrees today!), and ended the night cleaning up my studio for crits tomorrow. All in all a really nice day.

Also, I'm shipping Monk-Monk off on Friday, so if anyone wants to see him before then please let me know...

He doesn't look too happy about it.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Please Touch, and Money for Munny

The show was last night and it was a smashing success. I use the word smashing in the most literal sense. We had a huge turn out and people played with EVERYTHING. (Even with stuff they shouldn't have.) The show was honestly unlike any other art opening I've ever been to. It was interactive, stimulating, and down right fun to be in. The DJ's were great, the booze was cheap, and the turnout was impressive. My piece must have been worn by 30 people throughout the show. By the end of the night the show had digressed into a drunken playground. People were pull stuff down, and destroying things left and right. One girl, Carly, had a piece that involved hanging paper and pennies. (I think people were supposed to take the pennies or something) She caught a group of guys scooping up handfuls of pennies and chucking them at her delicately hung structure. When she asked them what they were doing they replied frankly, "Trying to knock this thing down..."

Here is a shot of it:

It was really hard to get people out of the space. We were scheduled to end at 11:00, but I didn't leave until midnight, and there were still a few stragglers hanging about.

Russell modeling my piece:

So now I am exhausted, and I need to focus on some other stuff. I have no clean clothes, I haven't touched my harmonica in a good month, I have been neglecting my other classes and some of my friends, and I feel a cold coming on. God I need a vacation....

(I did sell my Munny for $140. Awesome!)

Friday, February 10, 2006

Monk-Monk Munny, Please Touch, and 201

I joined this forum on Kidrobot.com to see other Munny's and posted more pictures of mine there. Some guy contacted me today saying,

"Hi there... Might you be interested in selling Monk Monk munny? I'd offer you $100 for it, plus shipping (cash not trade)."

Holy crap, I find it incredibly strange, but I am tempted to do it. With that cash I could make three more. I'm hesitant only because I'm kind of attached to the little guy, but chances are I will sell him.

Also, and this it a big also, the sculpture show is tonight, so everyone come! It is going to be really cool. Most all of the pieces are installed and look great. Plus we have two DJ's working in a back room and a professional bartender working the bar. I think it's going to be one hell of a party. here is the info:

I hope to see you all there!

(By the way, that last post was my 200th.)

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

So for all of you who were too lazy to find my Munny here it is:

Sadly I didn't win the contest, and even more sadly, this is what did:

I was hoping that the green giant would get it:

Or you gotta love Lion-O from Thundercats:

The bee guy got $500 to make more ugly Munnys. I'm disappointed.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Of Montreal

Munny, Munny, Munny, Munny................munny

So I finally bought a Munny. I decorated him all up and then submitted him to a contest held by the manufacturer, Kidrobot. Sadly mine didn't come with the poop. *sigh* Here is the link to the gallery... Try to guess which one is mine.

(hint: there is a wrench involved.)

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Odd Couple

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

New month, new monkey

Well it's February , and you know what that means......MONKEY TIME! This month's monkey is a cheeky Japanese snow monkey named Mushi Mushi. I figured he was the perfect mascot for valentine's day. Next thing you know he'll be on greeting cards worldwide.