Please Touch, and Money for Munny
The show was last night and it was a smashing success. I use the word smashing in the most literal sense. We had a huge turn out and people played with EVERYTHING. (Even with stuff they shouldn't have.) The show was honestly unlike any other art opening I've ever been to. It was interactive, stimulating, and down right fun to be in. The DJ's were great, the booze was cheap, and the turnout was impressive. My piece must have been worn by 30 people throughout the show. By the end of the night the show had digressed into a drunken playground. People were pull stuff down, and destroying things left and right. One girl, Carly, had a piece that involved hanging paper and pennies. (I think people were supposed to take the pennies or something) She caught a group of guys scooping up handfuls of pennies and chucking them at her delicately hung structure. When she asked them what they were doing they replied frankly, "Trying to knock this thing down..."
Here is a shot of it:
It was really hard to get people out of the space. We were scheduled to end at 11:00, but I didn't leave until midnight, and there were still a few stragglers hanging about.
Russell modeling my piece:
So now I am exhausted, and I need to focus on some other stuff. I have no clean clothes, I haven't touched my harmonica in a good month, I have been neglecting my other classes and some of my friends, and I feel a cold coming on. God I need a vacation....
(I did sell my Munny for $140. Awesome!)
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