Worn Out
Sorry I've been lame with the blogging, this entire month has been really busy. I got the National Geo article done, at least the first nine copies. One has been sent out with Jill (she had a dental appointment.) She snapped some photos of it for me. The article is also going to be published in three installments in Artillery Magazine, a campus arts publication. Currently, I am working on a grant proposal. I have written the guts of it over the past week and met with lady from the writing center for about two hours to help me out with it. I have a lot of work left to do on it, but it's coming along. What sucks is that it's due the Monday after Thanksgiving, so I'm going to have to work on it over break.
Last night I went over to Kiani's Apartment for her birthday celebration. Kiani has adopted a dog named Trouble from Animal Rescue for the week. She is a pit-bull that was found in a collapsed building in New Orleans. Trouble was so weak when they first found her that she couldn't lift her own head, now she has energy and strength to spare. Kiani chose her because the women at Animal Rescue weren't strong enough to walk trouble so she remained crated almost all the time. Kiani is now trying to train the dog and will change her name (which she doesn't respond to yet) hopefully making her more desirable for adoption.
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