Sunday, January 28, 2007

Casino Living, Biking, and The Studio

I got back from the Mohegan Sun job and man does it suck working in a casino. Talk about depressing. They bring in hoards of old people on buses so they can sit in front of the slots pumping in quarter after quarter. Not a smile on a single face.
The piece went up with few problems, but my throat was killing me from all the smoke and dust. At the end of the day all I wanted to do was escape from the money grubbing horribleness that is Mohegan Sun.
The only fun I had was on the two nights we went out for dinner. The first trip we got oysters in Mystic, and then grabbed some brews in a pub. The second we drove all the way to Providence, and hung out in this old tavern. The waiters we beer connoisseurs with over 80 to choose from. It made things awfully entertaining.
Needless to say I'm glad to be back, and looking forward to a good month here in Seattle. This weekend has been beautiful. Cloudless skies are a wonderful thing. I celebrated with a bike ride around Magnolia.

This is my backyard:

I get the studio on Thursday, and will be setting it up over teh weekend. (excitement) So, I'll have pics soon.


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