Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Three-monthiversary working for the man

That's right, I made it through my 90 days and I am officially a permanent employee. Woot!

In other news, Noonan and I saw a hilarious concert at a Lesbian bar in Capital Hill. A friend of mine from work is in the band. It's called "Snacks." That's the name, what they sing about, and what they throw at you. Favorite song: Go Go Taquito.

Afterwards we went to this bar in ballard, The Sloop, and got "Sloopersized" beers (35oz) with KG and Jeremy. Good times.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahem. They were 33.8 oz.

12/21/2006 2:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's one big taquito.

12/21/2006 7:50 AM  

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