Sunday, November 26, 2006

Ahhhhhh thanksgiving...

Back in Kansas City for the first time since the summer. This trip was pretty jam packed. Thanksgiving dinner of course was excellent, and we had a family outing afterwards and saw the new James Bond. (spectacular)

I also got to hang out with Ted, Tim, and Pete this week, and drove out to Lawrence to see Erin. Good times.

On Saturday Keith and I took our British sporting cars for a little rally around the city. It was foolishly fun. The foolishness mostly brought on by childish sibling rivalry.

Last night I went to Charley Hoopers with my brother and his friends. All I can say is awkward. Lots of people I knew in high school and have long since forgotten their names. Plenty of uncomfortable small talk with people I never expected to see again.

Now I'm just gearing up for the big 2 week Fairchild install in Miami. Because we are going to be done on a Friday I asked to stay for the weekend. (In other words Saturday night) I found this awesome hotel in the Deco district on South beach. It's called the Cadet. Check it out. I've never been so excited about a hotel before. There will certainly be a full report when I get back. (To Seattle that is)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you forgot to mention how much faster I shift than you.

have a good trip down to FLA.

11/27/2006 12:49 PM  

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