Thursday, December 21, 2006

Longest day of the year! Yeah!

Conversation with the chip restocker at Ballard Market:

Chip Guy: How's it going?

Me: Pretty good. How about yourself?

Chip Guy (exhausted): You know, I'm hangin' in there. It's a big
season for chips.

Me: You don't say.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Three-monthiversary working for the man

That's right, I made it through my 90 days and I am officially a permanent employee. Woot!

In other news, Noonan and I saw a hilarious concert at a Lesbian bar in Capital Hill. A friend of mine from work is in the band. It's called "Snacks." That's the name, what they sing about, and what they throw at you. Favorite song: Go Go Taquito.

Afterwards we went to this bar in ballard, The Sloop, and got "Sloopersized" beers (35oz) with KG and Jeremy. Good times.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

All Fixed

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Michael Does Miami

I've been back for a while, but I've been lazy.

I spent 2 weeks installing the show at the Fairchild botanical gardens in Miami. It beat the snot out of NYC. Too much to talk about though. Sorry. I do have a photo album up on the FB with comments and such.


Miami is a fun town... too fun (Spent a LOT of cash)