Thursday, December 29, 2005

Skiing pictures

The skiing in Aspen has been amazing. They have had record snowfalls and as I look out the window right now more is coming down. And despite all of my aching muscles I think I'm starting my skills back. I finally charged my camera so I could take some pictures while skiing. All of these pictures were taken at Aspen Highlands, a good place to ski the week after Christmas because it's never busy, and the runs are hard enough that you have many beginners on the slope. (For all of these pictures you can click to make them bigger.)

My Dad and Brother

On the lift

My parents synchronized boot cleaning

Keith and I took some amazing woods runs in some deep fresh powder. Yesterday Keith broke his pole in two on this run.

Keith ripped a chunk out of his ski for this picture

Keith checking out the damage

Tomorrow I think we're going to ski Ajax again so hopefully I can add some more pics.


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