So the past two weeks have been eventful. I have been in North Carolina with my family. We kicked it all off with an arsenal of fireworks. My brother, my cousin, and I managed the pyrotechnics. In preparation, my brother and I built a stand for the mortars. We decided that it would look best with flames on it, (for safety reasons) so I designed and Keith sprayed them. The forth rolled around and we lit the sky up. Everything went great until we blew one of the cardboard tubes clean off...We kinda put a higher explosive than we should have in it. The rest of the week was spent at the lake water skiing (yes Russell I can water ski) and swimming. Then we headed out to the beach where we hung out with the rest of the family. I got some boogie boarding in, swam a lot, and attempted some ugly fishing; unfortunately, the fish weren't quite ugly enough. We kept catching baby sharks. They paled in comparison to the oyster toadfish last year (featured bellow.)
The way back was a bit grueling. My Mom and I drove over 1,000 miles in three days. Along the way we stopped in St. Louis for the annual lunch at Cafe Manhattan. That was great, however, on the way back we drove over to see the sin sculptures. They have been pretty well vandalized now. Someone shortened Gluttony's title to "Tony" and it is now missing most of its bags. Greed is now "Ed" and someone has been yanking on lust. It's hard to take, but that's just what happens...
Now I'm back and ready to work on my book more. The birds have been waiting patiently in the back of my car. I will post them as I take them.
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