Saturday, July 30, 2005

The Japanese Can Put it Away

I was watching ESPN tonight on which they had the US Open for competitive eating. I saw the final showdown of the event. It was so strange because one of the two competitors was this tiny Japanese girl, but man could she put it away. They said that she ate approximately six pounds in that one sitting. By far the funniest part of the competition was the fact that the sponsor was Alka-Seltzer. I thought that was so...poetic.

Also tonight Ruth and I went to see another play as a part of the Kansas City Fringe Festival. This one was okay, but it didn't have anything on Sam's production last night, Dice. Congrats again Sam, and to all those who haven't gone yet there is one more night left. All who can go should. Sorry, Keith the T-shirt are not for sale.

You just have to

I have never been so tempted to bid in my entire life. "Please do not bid on this auction unless you are serious about purchasing this Vessel. All non-paying high bidders will be reported to Ebay, and negative feedback posted." I tell you, it would be so worth the negative feedback.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Bird Death

So I was out with the birds yesterday, and grazed a curb. One side of my bird carrier fell onto the other side. Three birds lost their heads and one lost both its wings. As if that wasn't bad enough when I picked up one of the broken heads the sharp edge created by the glaze cut my finger wide open. What all this means is that of the original 14 I have 5 left unbroken. Some are potentially fixable. I don't know how strong they will be though. I may have to make more now. I was really hoping that it wouldn't come to that. They are just so time consuming. Damn it. I hate ceramics.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


So I found out today that Michelle has an unquenchable love for factories. So much so they wrote an article about her in the Boulder newspaper when she was 5. (Click on the picture if you would like to read it.) How did I find this article you might be wondering? It was on their family website. It's amazing. They have everything from a family history to a catalogue of all their Christmas photos since 1983. I've put a link up on my side-bar for all to enjoy. Also on the side-bar check out WU Bathrooms, this site is reviewing every bathroom on Wash U campus. It is very impressive.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Dune Jumpin'

How could you not want one of these. My new dream is to start building dune buggies. I mean what is cooler then that. I can't think of anything.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Free Lance

I've gotten a lot of questions about Free Lance Villain. Russell and I are taking a little creative time before we start the thing. (Actually, Russell has no time, and I don't have any great ideas) We're going to work on it when school starts back up again and Russell quits whining about how hard he is working. The site is going to be good though, I swear.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

I was just going through my old sketchbooks and I found this drawing. It made my night.


I forgot to include this with my North Carolina pictures. This is what I saw in the Charlotte Airport when I was waiting for my bag. There were three of these boxes labeled "Emergency Blood Shipment." I saw them go around four or five times and then they were casually thrown on a cart by a sweaty airport employee.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Sam's Plug

My friend Sam Ryan and his friend are putting on a group of six short plays at the end of the month. If you are in Kansas City then, you should go... For any more information look at the poster above or click on it to go to the official site.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Cousin Ellis at his best.

Making Up For Lost Time

So the past two weeks have been eventful. I have been in North Carolina with my family. We kicked it all off with an arsenal of fireworks. My brother, my cousin, and I managed the pyrotechnics. In preparation, my brother and I built a stand for the mortars. We decided that it would look best with flames on it, (for safety reasons) so I designed and Keith sprayed them. The forth rolled around and we lit the sky up. Everything went great until we blew one of the cardboard tubes clean off...We kinda put a higher explosive than we should have in it. The rest of the week was spent at the lake water skiing (yes Russell I can water ski) and swimming. Then we headed out to the beach where we hung out with the rest of the family. I got some boogie boarding in, swam a lot, and attempted some ugly fishing; unfortunately, the fish weren't quite ugly enough. We kept catching baby sharks. They paled in comparison to the oyster toadfish last year (featured bellow.)

The way back was a bit grueling. My Mom and I drove over 1,000 miles in three days. Along the way we stopped in St. Louis for the annual lunch at Cafe Manhattan. That was great, however, on the way back we drove over to see the sin sculptures. They have been pretty well vandalized now. Someone shortened Gluttony's title to "Tony" and it is now missing most of its bags. Greed is now "Ed" and someone has been yanking on lust. It's hard to take, but that's just what happens...

Now I'm back and ready to work on my book more. The birds have been waiting patiently in the back of my car. I will post them as I take them.

**Oh and guys I fixed the comments thing so that you don't have to be a member of blogger to post. Sorry, my fault. To do it now just click on the "0 comments" at the bottom, click the other button, fill in your name and write in your comment.**

The arsenal.

The launch pad.

The 25th year at the beach.

Ugly Fishing

The pride of ugly fighing...the Oyster Toad Fish. If you weren't there to see it you wouldn't believe it...

Monday, July 18, 2005

I'm Back

Hey Guys, I'm back from North Carolina. My Mom and I just drove over a 1,000 miles in the past three days. I'm really tired, however, that didn't stop me from hitting up a Rusted Root concert tonight. It was pretty damn good. I dead. I'll update again tomorrow with pictures from the beach...

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Keep Coming to my Site

Sorry guys, I haven't been updating, because I have been in NC. Keep coming to the site. When I get back to KC next week, I will have a lot of pictures to put on. I'm off to the beach now....