Sunday, October 08, 2006

Thrift Store Furniture

I thought I'd show of a pair of apartment thrift store finds. The first is a pair of high backed walnut chairs I got from Goodwill. And the best part is they were only $8 for the set. When I got them one was about to pull apart. The glue joints were popping out, so I've spent the weekend regluing.

As you can see I have only one clamp, so I've come up with a couple of unorthodox rigs to hold the frame in place as it dries.

The second item is something I found in a thrift store the first week in Seattle. It's a coffee table I got for $10, because one of the legs was broken. I fixed it with some wood glue and a small screw and now it's the strongest leg in the bunch.

The third item is my dresser. For a crisp new $20 bill I scored this beauty.

I just put on the legs for the first time yesterday and think it adds a lot. (hehe)

Finally there is my behemoth desk. This was the most expensive of the group at $30, but I have been enjoying it thoroughly.

I cannot express the deep love I have for thrift store furniture.

My furniture theme has been "What would Bob Newheart do?" And once I get a few more pieces in here I think it will come together nicely.

(here are some of the things I brought with me... There will be pictures of the entire place soonish. I'm not quite ready for the full tour.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice pad, man.

10/10/2006 8:21 AM  

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