Saturday, September 16, 2006

I went into Chihuly Inc. today to fill out all of my accounting info. I had to sign a nondisclosure agreement with them saying that I would not speak of anything that goes on inside. It was pretty absurd. Plus I had tons of other papers to fill out. I'm sure I was there for a good hour and a half.

Sitting in the accounting office for that long I realized how glad I was not to be working at a desk. I would fall asleep all the time and likely consider suicide. I don't know how the women in there could stand doing that day in and day out. I can't sit in one place for that long.

I read through the employee manual which contains both good and bad news. The good news is that if I want to buy a Chihuly piece I can get what is normally a $5,000 piece of glass for $600. (In the accounting office one of the ladies was using a sea form as a paperclip dish) The bad news is that I only get 10 days of vacation time. (Damn it!) So much for going to Burning Man next year... No beach trip, and certainly not a lot of ski time. The good times are definitely over. I have to work there for 5 years before I get it upped to 15 days. (hooray!) Maybe I'll sell black market Chihulys, retire early and go on all those desired trips. (Israel, Russia, Antarctica, etc.)


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