Tuesday, August 30, 2005

U-City Grill, Tattoo, and Another Web Page

Today was really strange... It was kicked off by a bulldozer shredding the street in front of my apartment. there was even a car parked on the street when they started. They left a little trail so that I could get out.

Around 2:30 Sam and I headed over to the U-City grill to eat before the prices go up. It is still the best place in the world to get Korean food and breakfast. The prices increase on the 1st, so tomorrow's you last day to get some...

This evening, and here comes the weird part, Kiani got a tattoo of a peach on her back that I designed. It came out great. I am very happy for her. It's just plain surreal to have one of my pieces immortalized on someone else's body.

Lastly I decided to purchase an official site, michaelalm.com. I have been debating it for a while, and Russell helped me make the leap. It was pretty cheap. I'm designing it now; it should be up in a few weeks or so.


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