Monday, June 27, 2005

To clear up any confusion, the car is fine. It is already fixed. I drove it today.

The reason for the picture above is because I just got the soundtrack to Katamari Damacy and it is everything I hoped it would be. The picture bellow is of the birds by Myer's Circle. I took it today in the blazing was not much fun and I'm really not happy with the way the photos turned out. I was hoping to put at least one of them in the fountain, but it is way too deep I nearly lost one of the birds to the briny deep.

Oh and just because it's amazing you all have to see
  • this picture.

    Blogger Michael said...

    Damn right!

    6/28/2005 11:11 PM  
    Blogger Michael said...

    For the record...Capuchin is Japanese. (the person not the the monkey too) Also people really do need to start posting.

    6/30/2005 5:39 PM  

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