Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Here is a story NBC did on one of my classes. It aired at 5:00 and they showed clip from my interview. (I sounded like a total tool)

Also I found out that Playback Magazine did an article on the Please Touch Show which made me out to be some sort of art god which carried the sculpture department on my back singlehandedly. It's just a bit over the top but I'm not complaining... It's always good to have press.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So that everyone can watch Mike's clip over and over...

(this is pay back for pictures you have posted of me)

3/09/2006 7:30 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

Damn it! I have no idea how you found it, but I'm guessing it was through some media connection of yours. This isn't over.

3/09/2006 8:52 AM  

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